It is needless to state the importance of an effective sales force to a company. If sales don’t happen, then a company cannot make any money. Its substantial financial impact on the business cannot be disregarded.<

Did you know that a whopping 12.3% of all jobs in the U.S.
are full time sales positions? One of the ten occupations with the most difficult employment markets is sales.However, here's the catch: a recent poll found that 64% of salespeople struggle to close deals because they lack the requisite skills, not because they are employed in the wrong sector.Another startling fact is that, in most companies, only 20% of the sales people are shockingly accountable for 80% of the revenue.Strange, huh?<

Therefore, it is necessary for companies to find and build an effective sales team in the fastest possible way.< You can access the photographs by going to the following URL: For more information on Gapmarks, go to Gapmarks./p>

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A Tactical Guide to Declaring Your Hong Kong Business as Dormant


The Complexities of Declaring Dormancy in Hong Kong: Navigating Business Obligations and Expenses


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